ISTA_P 3.68, ISTA 4.30.2x Release Notes Programming Passenger Cars
1 General notes
With the launch of ISTA 4, the functionality for programming has been integrated in ISTA.
The following series can be dealt with using ISTA/P:
鈥?E Series
The following series can be dealt with using ISTA 4:
鈥?F, G and I Series
These Release Notes contain information for both programming systems.
The Release Notes list all known faults and faults that are currently still unresolved, with possible
workarounds which are important for the Retailer Organisation. Please contact Technical Support if
additional faults occur on the vehicle. In particular in the following cases:
鈥?vehicle-related programming faults / encoding faults and activation faults
鈥?functional faults on the vehicle
With ISTA 4, it is now also possible to send feedback relating to programming directly to BMW AG. Selecting
the “Feedback” symbol (envelope symbol) displays the feedback screen with input boxes.
If a new fault pattern is included in a release, this is indicated in the heading with * NEW *. This is
no longer indicated in the follow-up release.
2 Overview of the I levels contained
I levels newly added or updated in this ISTA version are marked in BOLD.
F, G, I series (ISTA 4)
Series group I level
F001 (F0x, RR4, RR5, RR6) F001-21-07-510
F010 (F06, F1x) F010-21-03-563
F020 (F2x, F3x, F80, F82, F83, F87) F020-21-03-545
F025 (F15, F16, F25, F26, F85, F86) F025-21-03-563
F056 (F39, F4x, F5x, F6x) F056-21-03-571
S15A (G01, G02, G1x, G3x, RR1x, RR31, F90, F97, F98) S15A-21-07-520
S15C (G08, G38) S15C-21-07-520
S18A (G05, G06, G07, G14, G15, G16, G20, G21, G22, G23, G26,
G28, G29, G80, G82, G83, F40, F44, F91, F92, F93, F95, F96)S18A-21-07-520
I001 (I01, I12, I15) I001-21-03-530
RR21 (RR21, RR22) RR21-21-07-520
I levels correspond to the ISTA Service Data version on the front page.
E Series (ISTA/P)
Series group I level
E065 (E65, E66) E065-17-11-545
E060 (E60, E61, E63, E64) E060-16-11-500
E070 (E70, E71, E72) E070-16-11-500
E89x (E81, E82, E84, E87, E88, E89, E90, E91, E92, E93) E89x-18-07-520
R056 (R55, R56, R57, R58, R59, R60, R61) R056-17-03-504
RR01 (RR1, RR2, RR3) RR01-20-11-500
PuMA measures or similar documents sometimes refer to an I level for the solution to a problem.
In this case it is important to know which ISTA release contains the I level.
The name of the I level indicates, if it
- is contained in the current ISTA release,
- was already contained in a previous ISTA release or
- will be provided in a future ISTA release.
Series group e.g. F020 – year 2017 – month (3, 7 or 11) – version (>= 500)
Assuming the current release contains: S15A-17-03-506
Then the following I level is not available yet: S15A-17-07-501
Then this I level was already contained in an older ISTA release: S15A-16-11-503
Then this I level was already contained in an older ISTA release: S15A-17-03-505
3 Innovations
The following interesting innovations are included, amongst others.
New models can be dealt with
Benefit: The new vehicles G26, G83 can be dealt with
4 Known faults F, G, I Series
4.1 * NEW * Control unit validation fails
Fault description:
After the control unit exchange, the control unit validation fails.
Model series affected:
Vehicles G0x, G1x, G2x, G3x, F40, F44, F9x.
Measure / Workaround:
1) Following the installation of the new control unit, program the vehicle without marking the control unit as
2) After completed programming, mark the affected control unit as exchanged. Calculate measures plan and
carry it out.
Fault corrected by:
Expected for ISTA 4.30.4x.
Affected application:
4.2 F9x, G8x – Execution stop
Fault description:
At the start of the programming session, an execution stop occurs with alternative I level and a reference to
the Release Notes.
Model series affected:
Vehicles F90, F91, F92, F93, F95, F96 and optional equipment 7MA,
Vehicles G80, G82, G83 and optional equipment 1MB.
Measure / Workaround:
Program vehicle with alternative I level. If required, request IBAC from technical support.
Fault corrected by:
ISTA 4.30.3x
Affected application:
4.3 F0x, F1x, RR4 – control unit encoding not possible
Fault description:
The encoding of the control units described fails repeatedly.
Model series affected:
Vehicles F01, F02, F03, F04, F07, RR4 with production date until March 2011 and the following control units:
F10, F11 vehicles with production date up to December 2010 and the following control units:
Measure / Workaround:
F01, F02, F03, F04, F07, RR4 vehicles: The vehicles can be dealt with using ISTA/P.
AN IBAC activate code is required for this. This can be requested from technical support.
F10, F11 vehicles: Contact Technical Support for an IRAP session.
Fault corrected by:
Currently open
Affected application:
4.4 G08 Battery Electric Vehicle – fault memory for high-voltage components
Fault description:
In case of vehicle identification, the following service faults are displayed S0851, S0853, S0852.
The cause of this is missing LCS Locking Configuration Switches in the SME, EME, CCU control units.
Model series affected:
G08 Battery Electric Vehicle.
Measure / Workaround:
Incorrectly configured Locking Configuration Switches can be corrected using ISTA.
For this purpose, calculate the test plan and process the service function offered for the service faults
Note: Configurations in the ISPI Admin Client are required.
See the Innovations 鈥?Locking Configuration Switch chapter for details.
Fault corrected by:
Currently open
Affected application:
4.5 KAFAS does not respond any more after programming
Fault description:
After programming, the KAFAS control unit no longer responds.
Model series affected:
G05, G07, G14, G15, G20, G29 vehicles with I level 18-11-5xx.
Measure / Workaround:
1) Let vehicle go to sleep. KAFAS then responds again.
2) Start new ISTA session, calculate and carry out measures plan.
Fault corrected by:
Currently open
Affected application:ISTA 4
4.6 Notes on individual campaigns
Fault description:
If necessary, after vehicle programming, actions to restore individual data are completed with the result
Warning, and ISTA reschedules them in the final work.
This behaviour can also occur if no control unit has been replaced.
The background is the update of the programming functions contained in ISTA for future derivatives.
Model series affected:
All series
Measure / Workaround:
The operations relating to the individual data can be ignored.
Fault corrected by:
Currently open
Affected application:ISTA 4
4.7 RAM – activation code campaign when programming to 20-03 or more recent
Fault description:
When programming to S18A-20-03-5xx or more recent, an activation code campaign for the RAM control unit
is scheduled.
Model series affected:
Vehicles G0x, G1x, G2x, F40, F44, F9x.
Measure / Workaround:
Import the activation code into the vehicle
Fault corrected by:
Affects vehicles with build level before March 2020.
Affected application:ISTA 4
4.8 G05, G06, G07 – activation code campaign when programming to 19-11 or more
Fault description:
When programming to S18A-19-11-5xx or more recent, an activation code campaign for the VIP control unit
is scheduled.
Model series affected:
G07 and G05, G06 vehicles with special equipment 2VR, 2VW, 2VF.
Measure / Workaround:
Import the activation code into the vehicle
Fault corrected by:
Affects vehicles with version before November 2019.
Affected application:
4.9 High-beam Assistant – activation code campaign when programming to 19-07 or later
Fault description:
When programming to S18A-19-07-5xx or S15A-19-07-5xx or later, an activation code campaign for the
KAFAS control unit is scheduled.
The reason is that the function is activated retrospectively for the customer.
Model series affected:
G05, G07, G14, G15, G20, G29 and G11, G12 vehicles, as of life cycle impulse with special equipment 5AC.
Measure / Workaround:
Import the activation code into the vehicle
Fault corrected by:
Affects vehicles with version before July 2019.
Affected application:ISTA 4
4.10 HU-H3 (Head Unit High 3) / RSE control unit cannot be encoded
Fault description:
Encoding the HU-H3 MGU-01 or RSE fails repeatedly.
Model series affected:
G0x, G1x, G2x, F4x, F9x vehicles with MGU-01 control unit
Measure / Workaround:
Assign HU-H3 control unit manually for programming in ISTA.
Fault corrected by:
Currently open
Affected application: ISTA 4
4.11 ISTA 4 – Information on BDC exchange or programming cancellation gateway
control units
The exchange of the BDC is again supported with ISTA 4.09.1x.
Fault description:
When carrying out the special measures plan in the event of a BDC exchange, or due to a programming
abort of the gateway control unit, the following pop-ups appear repeatedly:
鈥?Requesting that the ignition be switched on
鈥?SYS-0012 Identification Error
鈥?Connection to control unit Unknown interrupted
Model series affected:
Vehicles with the control units FEM or BDC.
Measure / Workaround:
Confirm pop-ups until the special measures plan has been carried out.
Fault corrected by:
Currently still open.
Affected application:
4.12 Invalid IP address for BN2020Ethernet control units
Fault description:
During vehicle management, one of the following Ethernet-capable control units should be programmed:HUH, RSE, ATM, KOMBI, ACC, ICAM, KAFAS
At the start of the session, a note appears indicating that the IP address is invalid. The Ethernet
programming can fail if the following steps are not followed:
Model series affected:
All F, G, I Series
Measure / Workaround:
- End ISTA session
- Carry out a battery reset
- Restart the session
- If fault message still appears: Check the Ethernet wiring in the vehicle using the wiring diagram in ISTA
- If fault message still appears: Contact Technical Support
Fault corrected by:
Currently still open
Affected application:
5 Known faults E Series (ISTA/P)
5.1 Vehicle order import fails due to antivirus software and firewall
In individual cases, the vehicle order-import fails because of installed security software (antivirus
software or firewall). After the session starts, the vehicle identification with ISTA/P fails. (BMWinternal locations are not affected by the fault)
Measure / Workaround:
For more details, see ISPI Dealer Self Support entry 51219.
Affected application: